Introducing Native Bees To Our Backyard Garden
Gardening is a joyful activity that can be made even more delightful by supporting a community of pollinators, especially bees. Honeybees and native bees alike play a critical role in pollinating flowers, fruits, and vegetables in a garden. Pollination is necessary…
How I Grew 178 Pounds of Food in My Small Suburban Backyard!
Large food in a small suburban backyard 2021 was my 9th year growing food in our own backyard. What a year it was! Am I right? Our world has gone through one of the most difficult experiences of our lifetime. COVID-19…
Top 10 Gardening Lessons Learned – 2020
Top 10 gardening lessons learned along my journey of 2020 At the end of every season, I look back on my gardening journey and create a list of what worked and what didn’t. It’s really helped me improve my methods and…
Blueberry Crostini
Blueberry Crostini We went blueberry picking on my birthday this year. It might seem strange to go pick someone else’s berries when I have three bushes in the garden. I love visiting farms though, and it was really nice to get…
How To Freeze Green Beans
How to freeze green beans Today I picked four and a half pounds of green beans! That’s more than I’ve ever yielded from one harvest out of my backyard garden. Now it’s time to freeze them so we can enjoy them…
Green Salad with Peas and Radishes
Green Salad with Peas and Radishes Are you craving light and fresh green salad with bites of some of the best spring garden treats nature has to offer? Try this salad! The sugar snap peas really pack a sweet little punch…
Summer Solstice 2019
Summer Solstice 2019 The most glorious time of year has finally arrived! Happy Summer Solstice! Here’s a quick photo update of the garden. Enjoy!
Lentil Stew with Radish Greens
I love this stew because it uses bright and beautiful radish greens! Did you know the greens are edible? Store bought radishes usually have greens that have been squeezed, folded and bound with a rubber band so they don’t have much…
Trellising Tomatoes
Trellising Tomatoes The new, baby tomatoes are settling into their beds for the growing season. They look small and innocent but they will take off quickly. In order to be prepared for their growth and support them along the way, I’m…
First Spring Plantings – 2019
First Spring Plantings It’s early March but the weather is warming quickly. I think it’s going to be a hot summer. I need to get a drip irrigation system installed before I put in all the plants so I can ensure…