Happy Birthday Garden Delicious!
The Garden Delicious just celebrated its 1st Birthday!
I had an idea for a blog for a few years before I actually dove into the process of creating it. My procrastination was a combination of things. Life just kept getting in the way. I changed jobs. My routine changed and it threw me out of sync so I didn’t feel I had enough time to focus on anything else but work.
I’m not tech-savvy and there’s a lot that goes into building a website. The slightest technical problem can send me into a tailspin. I have no patience for technology that doesn’t work and I’m not a “play with it until you figure it out” kind of person. I’m a type-A personality. I do well with numbers and spreadsheets. I like instructions and a clear path from A to B.
I also wasn’t sure I had anything of value to share on a blog. Who in the world would want to see pictures of my garden and my food, especially when there are so many talented gardeners, cooks, photographers, and bloggers out there already?
Then I decided to do this for myself. It’s a creative outlet that I need to balance my stressful job that’s very focused on data. It’s healthy for me to use the other half of my brain now and then. Working in the garden is therapeutic and sharing pictures of my projects gives me a sense of pride about what I’m creating.
When I made the decision to finally start the blog I knew I would need help with the technical aspect of it. Fortunately for me, I found the most wonderful web designer who stepped in and made it happen. Stacie Benefield at Dynamic Designs NW is knowledgeable, helpful, and patient. Now The Garden Delicious has been a part of cyberspace for a whole year!
The first year was very focused on developing the framework of the site and creating content. I’ve been working on my studio photography so the recipes I share look as delicious as they taste. In the year ahead, I hope to fill it out with even more recipes and great photos but also add some videos and posts from guest authors.
Thank you for reading my blog in its first year! I hope you stick around to see what 2019 brings!
In honor of the blog’s birthday, I am celebrating my favorite vegetable, the humble head of broccoli. It’s growing out there in the garden during these cold winter months. It gets hardly any attention because it’s too cold to be out there. Yet, it’s growing, happily and will provide 220% of my daily value of Vitamin C during the cold season.
Here’s one of my favorite broccoli recipes from Kathryne Taylor over at Cookie and Kate. This salad is SO good! It calls for raw broccoli but I prefer to blanch it just until it turns bright green but still has its crispness. Give it a try and let me know what you think in the comments below. I love to hear from my readers!